STORGARD KB/WB For Khapra and Warehouse Beetle
For Khapra and Warehouse Beetle
The QUICK-CHANGE™ DOME™ is a broad spectrum monitoring trap that attracts and captures most stored product beetles, both male and female. The Best Trap for Khapra & Warehouse Beetles, Confused & Red Flour Beetles, Cigarette Beetles, and 25 Other Insects!
Features include:
- QUICK-CHANGE™ SNUGFIT ® Lure and Capture Tray
- 100% Oxygen-Free Barrier Lure and Capture Tray
- Elevated DOME Position
- Behaviorally Modified Ramp System
- Chemically Stabilized Pheromones
- Timed-Release Pheromone Lure Matrix
- Timed-Release “Synergized” Synthetic Kairomone Attractants