for Monitoring Cigarette Beetles

Cigarette beetles are flying insects. Often found indoors such as in food, drug and tobacco factories and warehouses. They cause harm to grains and to processed foods NEW SERRICO was the first pheromone trap for monitoring to be produced by FUJI FLAVOmR Its per formance and demonstrated effectiveness have won worldwide acclai

Feature of NEW SERRICO


01. Pheromone traps for monitoring cigarette beetles

  • Useful for early detection of cigarette beetles. Determining their source and investigating seasonal variation in their emeragence
  • A highly safe product containing no insecticid

02. Precisely matched to the behavior patterns of the target insect, and easy to use

  • Designed by professionals that thoroughly study behavior of tobacco beetle.
  • The lure are covered with release control film, making their effectiveness last for a month
  • Combination of sex pheromone and food lures attact both male and female adults
  • Use friendly with easy assembly and disposal
  • Compact requires no accessories and can be placed in variety of places as factories, warehouses and containers

03. Dust-proof trap
Folding up the flaps on the sides is an effective way to prevent dusts to enter the trap in a dusty enviroment

Assembling the NEW SERRICO trap





(A)Location: Place traps on the wall 1.5 m above the floor.


(B)Intervals: 5 to 10 m interval recommended


  • Avoid placing the traps near machinery or production lines as they may attract insects to these places
  • Placing traps nears building entrances may attract insects inside. Place them 10 to 20 m away from entrances and exits




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